Gifted and Talented

Definition of Gifted and Talented Students
A "gifted and talented student" is a student who is identified as: 

Having outstanding talent and performing, or showing the potential for performing, at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared with other students of a similar age, experience or environment;

  • Exhibiting high performance capability in intellectual, creative or artistic areas;

  • Possessing an unusual leadership capacity; or 

  • Excelling in specific academic fields. (Maryland Code of Law 8-201).

Formal identification begins at the end of 2nd grade.  Somerset County Public Schools offer a variety of services for students who are identified.  

GT Services include:

Differentiated instruction

  • Cluster grouping

  • Enrichment groups

  • Independent study

  • Grade and subject acceleration

  • Summer centers and camps

  • AP courses

  • Honors Courses

  • Dual Enrollment Courses

  • High School Internships

Click here to access information from MSDE regarding Gifted and Talented Education

Top 10 Things Parents Need to Know about Gifted and Talented Education in Maryland