Title I is a Federal program which provides supplemental funding to schools that qualify as a high-poverty school according to Free and Reduced Meal Student (FARMS) eligibility. Title I targets resources to schools where the needs are greatest. These schools are eligible to adopt School-wide programs to raise achievement of students by improving instruction throughout the entire school, thus using Title I funds to serve all children. The supplemental funding that schools receive may provide personnel, professional development, parent activities, and instructional programs. Just some of the examples of effective strategies are: Interventions, Instructional Facilitators & Reading Coaches, Family Liaisons, extended-day and summer school programs which are used to address the needs of students/parents in Title I school.
Title I Program
Title I Program Overview
Title I Schools
There are three Title I schools in Somerset County. The following elementary schools have been identified to receive Title I supplemental funds and operate a school wide Title I program:
Princess Anne Elementary
Greenwood Elementary
Woodson Elementary
For more information:
Ms. Tracie Bartemy
Director of Schools & Title I
Send email to Traci Bartemy
Phone: (410) 651-1616
Ext. 10243
Ms. Stefanie Tawes
Title I Specialist
Send email to Stephanie Tawes
Phone: (410) 651-0931
Phone 2: (410) 651-1616