image of the superintendent with text that reads "from the desk of the superintendent: a message from Dr. Tasker-Mitchell about SCPS' 2024-2025 Inclement Weather Virtual Day Instruction Plan"
side of a yellow school bus that reads SCPS highlights school bus safety, National school Bus safety Week October 21-25, 2024
picture with graphics of inclement weather and text that reads 2024 2025 inclement weather virtual day instruction plan
“Listening & Learning to Lead”  Fall 2024 Community Forums hosted by Superintendent of Schools Dr. Ava Tasker-Mitchell
Local management board flyer that advertises survey links
SCPS will host a pilot curriculum overview on Monday, October 21, 2024 from 6:00 - 7:00 PM at the Somerset Board of Education.  Please join us to learn more about HMH Into Literature,    Attendees will receive an overview of the curriculum pilot currently underway with grades 6-12 ELA teachers and students. Samples of print and digital materials will be available and staff will be available to answer questions.   More details will be forthcoming...
orange background with many sets of hands making a heart shape. text that reads "unity day october 16, 2024. on wednesday, october 16 SCPS encourages everyone to wear orange, the color of unity , to show we stand united against bullying
wooden surface with the words October is National Bullying Prevention Month. Join us this October and take a stand against bullying. has a red circle with slash going through it and says "bullying"
picture of woman in black suit and text that reads "greetings from somerset county technical high school"
national day of rememberance header photo for 9-11
2024- 2025 academic calendar revision september 2024 update
special board meeting notice graphic tuesday september 10 at 5:30 pm  The meeting will begin with a motion to convene in Closed Session from 5:30 - 6:30 PM   The meeting will reconvene for  Open Session at 6:30 PM
woman smiling at a desk with text block that has the text: School Hours Elementary Schools:         8:55 AM - 3:45 PM Somerset Intermediate:   7:40 AM - 2:20 PM High Schools:                       7:30 AM - 2:30 PM  *Students may arrive no earlier than 30 minutes prior to the school start time.*
picture of superintendent in her office that looks like a youtube video on pause
Begins 4-Year Term as Superintendent of SCPS
summer meals program
dr. ava tasker-mitchell appointed superintendent of schools effective july 1  2024
somerset boe selects tasker mitchell
superintendent candidate finalists named